What Are HIIT Cardio Workouts?

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Understanding what HIIT cardio workouts help first to know a bit about Tabata training. What is Tabata training, and how does it differ from traditional HIIT workouts? Also, you should know how to do Tabata 100s and understand why it is an effective way to burn calories and tone your body. Read on to learn about the different benefits of Tabata and HIIT workouts!

HIIT Cardio Workouts

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a cardio exercise where a person performs short bouts of intense activity followed by a rest period. These periods are repeated in specific workouts and are generally short. HIIT works by increasing post-exercise oxygen consumption and enabling the body to burn more calories even after the training is complete. In addition, HIIT increases overall fitness by lowering blood sugar levels and resting heart rate and blood pressure.

If you’re new to HIIT, you can start slowly and gradually increasing your interval duration and intensity. Give your all during your first few intervals, but don’t worry if you can’t maintain the same passion for the entire workout. With practice, you’ll be able to do more intervals with maximum effort. Remember to pay attention to form and start with two or three weekly sessions.

Tabata Training

HIIT, or high-intensity interval training, is a highly effective exercise regime that increases your heart rate and boosts your metabolism. By working out hard, your body increases your metabolism and helps you lose weight. If you’re looking for a fast way to get in shape, try Tabata or HIIT. Tabata and HIIT are two popular forms of HIIT that use short, high-intensity intervals, with a rest period in between.

Tabata is a high-intensity exercise, and it’s best done with the proper form. The key is to reach 80 to 95 percent of your maximum heart rate in 20 seconds, then rest for four minutes and repeat. While this can be a challenging workout, it’s not dangerous if you’re fit and experienced. Start by completing one or two rounds of four minutes, then increase the time between them. During your final games, make sure you maintain proper form.


Tabata is a high-intensity interval training workout that uses intense muscle contractions for short periods. This type of workout is excellent for improving your fitness levels and increasing your VO2 max and anaerobic capacity. The rapid bursts of exertion also stimulate the production of nitric oxide, a substance that increases blood vessel dilation. As a result, your heart rate rises, and blood flow increases, allowing more oxygen and nutrients to circulate throughout your body.

To perform a Tabata workout, you must know the essential exercises. You can start by establishing your current fitness routine. For example, if you already do some form of cardiovascular exercise, you can safely begin a Tabata routine. However, if you have a medical condition, you should consult your doctor first. Usually, you can start with five exercises you know well, as they are essential for Tabata workouts.

Tabata 100s

The most straightforward Tabata workout uses alternating periods of 20 seconds of work and 10 seconds of rest. This type of routine can be done with any simple, repeatable exercise. The key is to maintain a consistent timing pattern. The workouts involve high intensity – 80 to 90 percent of maximum heart rate – and a warm-up and cool-down. In addition to these basic guidelines, Tabata is great for burning fat, too.

The key to any Tabata cardio workout is knowing when to rest. The first part of this technique is learning how to measure your perceived exertion (RPE) rate. This is a subjective scale that is based on immediate feedback. Generally, the higher the number, the more intense the exercise is. Tabata training, invented by Dr. Izumi Tabata in 1996, requires four minutes of activity followed by a ten-minute rest period.

HIIT 100s

HIIT 100s are cardio workouts that combine full-body exercise with a quick burst of energy. Each of the ten sets requires three sets of ten repetitions with a drop set of about 50% of your 10RM. If you’re unsure of your 10RM, don’t worry: you can estimate it by following the exercise’s instructions. After the cardio portion, the workout is all about full-body practice. Barbell cleans, dumbbell deadlifts, kettlebell swings, and dead/curl/presses are everyday full-body movements you can do during HIIT 100s.

If you’re looking for a high-intensity workout that burns fat and muscle mass, HIIT 100s is a great choice. These intense workouts require minimal equipment and can be performed in any room, even without dumbbells. As a result, HIIT 100s are an excellent choice for any fitness level and can be easily integrated into your daily schedule. HIIT workouts are also time-based, so they’re easy to incorporate into your busy schedule.

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