A New Vibrator May Help Lesbian Couples Feel Closer

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Sex is an important part of all relationships and can make couples feel more connected and close. Lesbian couples need this same kind of sexual experience. However, they may feel tired at the end of the day or unable to perform and feel like they’re drifting away from their partner as a result.

Thankfully, you and your partner can try a couples vibrator that may bring you closer together in many different ways. Understanding how this type of vibrator works and the different options it opens to you may make your sexual adventures together more enjoyable and help you feel closer as a couple.

How Vibrators Help Lesbian Couples

Vibrators are an excellent option for lesbian couples looking to add a little more joy into their sex life. While men may also enjoy vibrators in different ways, vibrators are designed heavily for women which makes them useful for many different situations. There are many different ways you and your partner can use one.

For example, you may please each other with a single-sided vibrator, with one partner controlling the speed and intensity. Or you may find a double-sided couple option that can please both of you at the same time. This setup is a good choice for couples who:

  • Want to please each other a little more than normal
  • Need to take a break due to fatigue or soreness
  • Enjoy experimenting with their sexual experience together
  • Feel comfortable adding new toys to their bedroom
  • Like adding extra people to their sexual experiences

This last point is particularly important if you and your partner have a regular third person who joins you in your sexual adventures. A vibrator can or two can help make your experience more enjoyable by keeping you open to different options when making love together.

These different enjoyable experiences make vibrators an excellent choice for an adventurous lesbian couple trying to stay close. After all, sex helps bring couples together and makes their time together more enjoyable. Before trying this type of toy, you may follow a few simple tips.

Tips for Using Your Vibrator

Make sure that you regularly clean your vibrator between uses to ensure it remains sanitary. You don’t want to let any bacteria or other growths develop on it because these could spread and cause yeast infections. Sanitizer is a good option, though you should find a vagina-safe option.

If you’ve never used a vibrator with your partner before, you may want to experiment with a few different speeds and settings before trying one. Start out with a smaller and slower option and upgrade as you start feeling more comfortable using this fun new sex toy.

Don’t forget to try out different heads on your vibrator, as these may provide different sexual experiences. These heads may include ribs that stimulate more of the vagina, providing you and your partner with the intense pleasure that you both want and deserve.

You Can Have Fun

If you and your partner need a little kick-start to your sex life, it might be worth trying out a few different vibrators. The double-sided types are very popular with many lesbian couples because they help you make love without making you work too hard to satisfy your partner.

Just as importantly, you can save your vibrator for those times when your partner leaves and satisfy yourself. It’s often hard to be without a partner for several days at a time, but your vibrator may help you stay satisfied and minimize any anxiety you may feel while she’s away from you.

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