Moving to Hawaii from California?: 5 Tips for a Seamless Transition

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If you’re moving to Hawaii from California, you’re moving to one of the best states in the Union.

With gorgeous beaches, a tropical climate, a diverse and intriguing culture, amazing food, and a low cost of living, it’s no wonder that Californians move to Aloha State every year.

Hawaii is a great place to live and so the most important question is, “How do I make this move as smooth as possible?” The good news is that you’ve come to the right place. Below are five essential tips to help you make moving to Hawaii from California easy.

Read on!

1. Decide Which Island to Stay

If you’re moving to Hawaii from California, you’ll need to decide which island to stay on. There are many factors to consider, such as climate, and job opportunities.


Hawaii is known for its beautiful, tropical weather. However, the climate can vary depending on which island you choose. For example, the Big Island is known for its volcanoes and lush, green landscape, while Maui is known for its sandy beaches and sunny weather.

Job Opportunities

If you’re moving to Hawaii for work, you’ll need to make sure there are job opportunities on the island you choose. Oahu is the most populous island and has the most job opportunities, while the Big Island is the least populous and has fewer job opportunities.


If you’re looking for nightlife, restaurants, and shopping, then Oahu is the place for you. If you’re wanting to experience more of the “local” Hawaii, then Kauai or the Big Island may be more your speed.

2. Know the Culture in Hawaii As a Whole

When thinking about moving to Hawaii from California, it’s important to be aware of the culture as a whole. Hawaiian culture is a unique blend of Polynesian, American, and Asian influences. The islands have their language, music, food, and customs.

3. Find Out the Cost of Living and Set a Budget

Hawaii is an expensive place to live, so you’ll need to make sure you can afford the cost of living on the island you choose. Maui and Oahu are typically more expensive than the Big Island or Kauai.

4. Check Out Some Real Estate Listing

When you’re ready to make the move to Hawaii from California, one of the first things you’ll need to do is search real estate listings online. It’s important to have an idea of what you’re looking for in a home. Once you have a good idea of your must-haves, you can start narrowing down your search.

5. Consider Job Hunting Ahead

When considering a move to Hawaii from California, it is important to job hunt ahead. This will ensure that you have a job lined up before making the move.

Be Prepared When Moving to Hawaii From California

When you are moving to Hawaii from California, there are a few things you should be prepared for. The cost of living is higher in Hawaii, so make sure you have a set budget. The weather is also different, so be sure to pack appropriate clothing.

Lastly, be prepared to experience a different culture. Hawaii is a unique place with its customs and traditions. By being prepared for these things, you can make your transition to Hawaii smoother and more enjoyable.

For more helpful articles aside from finding a home in Hawaii, feel free to visit our blog.

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