4 Things You Should Know About Solar Energy Sustainability

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solar energy sustainability

Did you know that 8% of US homes have solar panels installed, and 39% of American homeowners are seriously considering switching to solar energy?

If you’re thinking of using solar energy for your home, it helps to learn more about solar energy sustainability, so you can get a better understanding of how it all works.

Keep reading this guide to learn four important facts about solar energy sustainability!

1. Harnessing Solar Energy Isn’t New

Leonardo da Vinci was the first person to predict that solar energy was a reality in the 15th century. An experiment with mirrors revealed these reflective devices could be used to focus sunlight and harness energy.

In 1883, an American inventor named Charles Fritts made one of the very first solar cells. Finally, in 1954 Bell Labs came up with a silicon Solar Panels for Home Guide that was approximately 6% effective at converting energy from the sun into electricity.

2. Solar Energy is Free and Renewable

Most of your solar costs will come from the solar panels themselves. Once you install solar panels, you won’t need to spend a penny on the electricity they produce for your home.

You’ll also reduce your carbon footprint using solar energy since it’s a renewable energy source. Solar energy users lessen the need for oil and thus decrease carbon emissions. Even better, as solar technology evolves, you can reduce your carbon footprint even further over time.

3. Solar Panels Don’t Need Direct Sunlight

Even on a cloudy day, your solar panels can still capture and utilize power. Your solar panels can pick up the hues of light from the sky. Also, you can even still capture sufficient solar energy during the winter months.

You can also use a solar battery with your solar energy system. Solar batteries allow you to capture and store excess electricity to use at another time. You’ll be able to become completely independent from using the main grid for any electricity.

4. You Can Offset Solar Energy Installation Costs

While you can expect to pay anywhere from $15,000 to $20,000 to install solar panels in your home, plenty of incentives are available to offset these costs.

First, the federal solar tax credit allows you to deduct 30% of your solar energy installation cost. Additionally, many states offer solar rebates and tax incentives you can take advantage of.

Many states also offer net metering. With net metering, you can sign up with your local power company and send the excess energy you produce back to the grid. As a result, you’ll be able to use grid power when you need it and receive money back if you produce more electricity than you need.

Many solar energy companies also offer low-interest solar loans and will assist you with various incentives.

You can check this solar panel company for more information to get an idea of what to expect from a solar installation.

Solar Energy Sustainability

Now that you know more about solar energy sustainability, you can start taking steps to bring solar energy into your home.

If you’re considering getting solar panels installed, be sure to do your research thoroughly before signing a contract with a solar energy company. Before you know it, you’ll be reducing your carbon footprint and saving money.

For more technology tips, check out the rest of our blog today!

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